Soulful Gallery had a great time at the Windsor Contemporary Art Fair last weekend.
Mark and Lorna worked their socks off to sell lots of our art (both prints and originals!) in the exhibition area, the workshops went down a storm with Amonamission running 3 x hour-long classes in graffiti and street art and the live art/mural (by chang204 and myself) attracted a lot of attention too.
The past 3 months has been dedicated to preparing everything for the event, including each artist creating a series of original art works, as well as the construction of a 6 metre chipboard wall (thanks Pete!) to do our mural on.
We also had to pre-spray any graffiti before hand due to the fact that it was an indoor event which prevented us from using large amount of spray paint on the weekend.
A Massive "Thank You" to everyone who helped us out, from filming to setup/take-down.
Here are some of the pictures from the event.